Govt of Punjab announced today Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund Educational Scholarships 2021-2022 for the children of Current servants, Retired servants, Disabled servants, and deceased servants. for this scholarship, you can visit for a status check and application form online.
Punjab Benevolent Fund Scholarship 2022 applications are required from all Punjab students having complete eligibility and apply it on the application form before the last date. If you are interested to get this new scholarship from the Govt of Punjab.
It is a great opportunity for the Govt of Punjab servants If they don’t afford educational expenditure for their children studying in different classes. Please read the eligibility criteria below to apply for this educational scholarship.
Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund Educational Scholarships 2022
Eligibility Punjab Benevolent Fund Scholarship 2022
- Only 02 children are eligible for Government of Punjab Current and retired servants.
- Students must pass matric and above class with 60% marks.
- 03 children are eligible for educational scholarship of disabled and deceased servants.
- Children of Deceased Servants of Govt of Punjab are eligible if they are studying in class primary to matric.
- Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund Educational Scholarships 2022
How To Apply for Govt of Punjab Benevolent Fund Scholarship 2022
- Download application form from official website
- Fill the application form and attach attested copies of documents like students CNIC/B-Form, CNIC Copy of Father and Mother of students, One copy of payment slip of current servants of December 2021, and for retired servants must attach pension book copy.
- If the children of govt of Punjab servants are studying in private institute they must attach Board or university merged certificate and registration number.
- The last date to apply for Punjab Benevolent Fund Educational Scholarship is 31 March 2022.
- bfms punjab gov pk contact number is 042-99204035.
- Applications received after due date will not be accepted.
- Above all copies mut be attested from a guztted officer.
How To Submit Application Form
All servants of Government of Punjab must submit their application form for Educational scholarship with attested photocopies on following method.
- All guzette servants from Grade 16 to 22 must submit application form to Provisional Benevolent Board Al falah Building Shara e Quaid e Azam Lahore.
- All non guzzette sectriate servants Grdae 1 to 15 must submit their application form to Relevant district deputy commissioner DC/ or Chairman district benevolent fund board office.