Hi, in this article I will completely guide you about PAF College Sargodha Fee Structure and Test Pattern, Syllabus. Students who want to get admission in PAF Cadet College Sargodha in 8th Class must know about the Fee of PAF College Sargodha and the Written Test Syllabus.
PAF Cadet College Sargodha starts admission for Class 8th every year for all over Pakistani students on a merit base. But you are to pass some academic entry tests and to deposit the admission fee at the time of admission in college.
Every student in Pakistan has a dream to get admission to Pakistan Air Force College in Class VIII and to become a commissioned officer in PAF and serve the nation. Selected students are required to join Pakistan Air Force PAF after completing their training at PAF College, Sargodha. The Parents / Guardians of students are required to furnish a bond to the effect that their son/ward shall serve the Flying / Engineering or any other Branch of Pakistan Air Force.
So stay on this page for full details of PAF College Sargodha Fee Structure and Test Pattern and Entry Test Syllabus.
PAF College Sargodha Fee Structure and Test Pattern

PAF College Sargodha Fee Structure
- PAF College provides free messing, Free Medical, Free Uniform and free Textbooks.
- Parents of students are to pay PKR 4500/ month for supplementary welfare, pocket money, recreational programmes and other student-related activities.
- The Fee is to be made on six monthly basis by a bank draft in favour of Principal PAF College, Sargodha.
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PAF College Sargodha Written Test Pattern and Syllabus
Following is the pattern and syllabus for the admission test
Mathematics / General Science
Students are to undergo of Mathematics and General Science combined Paper of the duration of 02 hours with 100 marks for each subject.
Mathematics Test Topics
Students are to learn the following topics for the mathematics test
- Sets
- Rational Numbers
- Exponents
- Decimals
- Square Root
- Percentage
- Ratio and Proportion
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Information Handling
General Science Test Topics
Following are the topics for the general science test to get admission to Pakistan Air Force College Sargodha.
- Human Organ systems
- Transport in Human and Plants
- Reproduction in Plants
- Environment and Feeding Relationships
- Atom and its Structure
- Water
- Some Common Gases
- Physical and Chemical Changes & Processes
- Matter and its Properties
- Force, Work and Machines
- Transmission of Heat
- Dispersion of Light
- Sound and Sound Waves
- Circuits, Electric Current and Magnetism
- Earth, Space and Oceans
- Solar System
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English and Urdu
After Maths and General Science test, English and Urdu written tests will be conducted combined for 02 hours with 100 marks for each subject.
English Test Topics
- Composition : Paragraph / Letter / Story writing, etc.
- Comprehension : Questions based on a given passage or passages.
- Translation : From Urdu to English and From English to Urdu.
- Applied Grammar : Questions covering different aspects of Grammar, for example :
- Singular and Plural
- Masculine and Feminine
- Comparatives and Superlatives
- Correction of spelling
- Tenses, the use of tenses and their sequence
- Filling in the blanks with articles
- Prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, parts of speech
- Simple punctuation, direct & indirect narration.
Urdu Topics
Following are the Urdu Topics on which Urdu Entry Test will be conducted to get admission in PAF College sargosdha
- کسی ایک موضوع پے مضمون لکھنا
- دوست کے نام خط لکھنا
- الفاظ کے معنی اور اشھار کی تشریح کرنا
- الفاظ کو جملوں میں استعمال کرنا
- جملوں کو درست کر کے لکھنا
- الفاظ متضاد
- ضرب ال مثل مکمّل کرنا
So these are the PAF College Sargodha Fee Structure and Test Pattern and Test syllabus for PAF Collge Sargodh Admission for the 8th class.